Moberly School District
Alternative Methods of Instruction Parent Information
Be prepared for Inclement Weather Days this school year.
In Missouri, school districts are allowed to make up school hours lost or canceled due to exceptional or emergency circumstances (up to 36 hours) if the district implements an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan. Exceptional or emergency situations might be weather-related. Up until now, we have not implemented any AMI days, but if we have additional weather/emergency closure days, we may utilize the AMI plan.
On days when the district enacts AMI, families will be notified through the regular communication channels (phone call, text, email) utilized by the District and their child’s school.
Grade Pre-K-8 students will have access to printed materials to be utilized for AMI. Packets will come home prior to school being canceled if there is reason to believe we may not be in session. Teachers will be estimating the number of days we will be out so the packet should only be completed for the days we are actually out of school. During the school closing, students will be assigned learning activities to complete and will be required to submit completed learning activities upon their return to school. Teachers will be accessible for questions, clarification and feedback through their district e-mail or other platforms typically used to communicate with parents throughout the school day. The child’s teacher will provide specific instructions along with the packet to be completed with details about how and when they can be reached during the AMI day(s).
High School students should log-in to Google Classroom in the morning where their assignments will be available no later than 8:00 AM, this will include each teacher's office hour for that day. A limited number of hot spots are available for check-out at Central Office, or students will be provided alternate assignments. Teachers will be available to students as well as to parents/guardians via email until 2 p.m. Student attendance for AMI days will be based upon work submitted for each class.