MPS Foundation


Foundation Members

Each child. Every classroom. All of Moberly!

It’s hard to get a job done effectively without all the right tools. Children have varied learning abilities and unique learning styles. The Moberly Public School Foundation provides funding for the tools MPS teachers and educators need to navigate classroom learning styles, create innovative programming, and enhance current curriculum. Your gift to the Foundation will provide teaching resources and programs not typically covered by the Moberly Public Schools operating budget.

How does it work? Each year the Foundation asks for funds from the community, then awards these funds back to teachers and schools through classroom grants. Here are some innovative projects private dollars have funded:

Total grant funds awarded during the 2024-2025 school year totaled $11,526!

ECLC Receives Super Grant!

ECLC Receives Super Grant!

Better classroom teaching directly benefits our children. Your gift will leverage your tax dollars already in use, providing quality education for the children in our community!

Your Gift. Their future!

Your donations stay local! Invest in the future of our community.

The Foundation was formed with the goal of championing the educational success of Moberly Public School children by supporting the classrooms, programs and educators in the Moberly Public School system. Grants back to teachers are the most effective way to accomplish this goal.

The funds used for these grants are donated in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Honorarium and memorial gifts are a welcomed way to remember a loved one.

  • Tax-deductible gifts from your individual or business account

  • Planned gifts from bequests, investment accounts, or capital expenditures

  • Sponsorship gifts for special recognitions.

2024-2025 Donors

Supporter – $50-$99

Friend - $100 - $249

  • Fusselman Salvage ($100)

  • Cater Funeral Home ($100)

  • Wilson Trailer Sales ($100)

  • Valentine Insurance ($100)

  • First State Community Bank ($100)

Blue & Red Club – $250-$499

  • Moberly Motors ($250)

  • Moberly Eagles ($250)

Spartan Club - $500-$999

  • Bomgaars ($500)

Olympian Circle – $1,000 +

  • Orscheln Industries ($1,000)

Please contact (660) 269-2600 for information regarding making a donation to the Foundation. Our Board is happy to work with you on the best ways to use your gift to accomplish your goals and impact our students.

Your Gift. Their Future!

Most grant funds come through the annual sales of the Major Saver cards. The cards are sold each spring by MPS students, and feature discounts and offers from Moberly businesses for those who buy them. The students earn small rewards for each card sold, and the proceeds are given to the Foundation to award back to the schools. It’s a win-win for everyone in our community!

Major Saver Card Program

Building on community partnerships, showcasing our successes...

As the Foundation works toward the goal of building a stronger Moberly, we want to use as examples past Moberly Public School success stories and recognize leaders in our educational community. Each fall at MPS Homecoming, the Foundation awards the following honors upon alumni and retired educators:

Distinguished Retired Educator Award

Every generation needs heroes and role models. The Moberly School District has had many educators who could be considered both. We are trying to identify individuals who have left a legacy and have kept education a priority in their community.

If you would like to submit a nomination for the Distinguished Retired Educator Award, please download and submit the Distinguished Retired Educator Award application by clicking the link below.

Distinguished Retired Educator Award Application

Distinguished Alumni Award

The Moberly Public Schools Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award has been established to recognize graduates of Moberly High School for outstanding achievements and contributions to society following graduation. These recipients reflect strong role models with strengths of character and citizenship to inspire and challenge today’s students.

If you would like to submit a nomination for the Distinguished Educator Award, please complete this application.

Distinguished Alumni Award Application

Your nominee could be joining with an impressive list of Moberly citizens dedicated to education. Past recipients include:

Distinguished Retired Educator Award Recipients

2023 - Ed Lewis
2023 - Aaron Vitt
2022 - Nancy Fleming
2022 - Judy Carr
2021 - Brenda Barner
2021 - Mike Barner
2021 - Sam Richardson
2020 - Wendy Carter
2020 - Jonean Ratliff
2019 - Terry Fowler
2019 - Arthur "Lynn" Yocum
2018 - Gena McCluskey
2017 - Paul Copenhaver
2017 - Elizabeth Hall
2017 - Jill Hughes
2016 - Ronald Self
2016 - Greg Klokkenga
2016 - Judy Wetrich
2015 - Ken Asbury
2015 - Anne Miller

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

2023 - Don Burton
2023 - Dru Buntin
2023 - Christian Tadrus
2022 - Dean Miller
2022 - Bobby RIley
2021 - Cole Davis
2020 - Charles Fleming
2020 - Jeff Lawrence
2019 - Andale Gross
2019 - William "Barry" Orscheln
2018 - Michael Fusselman
2018 - Sylvia Ganaway
2018 - Laura Heimann
2018 - Jerry Jeffrey
2017 - Dr. Jeffery Lashley
2017 - Jeff Kitchen
2017 - Kimmy Daly Tadrus
2016 - J. W. & Linda Ballinger
2015 - Joseph F. Knaebel
2015 - Dr. Greg Jorgenson
2015 - Andrew Miedler

Your friends and neighbors, working to improve our schools.

The Foundation is governed by an all-volunteer board of community leaders who are passionate about public education and committed to MPS student success. Founded in September, 1996, the Foundation provides ways for private dollars to benefit the educational opportunities in the Moberly Public Schools. Each board member serves three year terms, for a maximum of two terms. Contact us if you’d like to partner with schools by volunteering your time in this way.

MPSF Board Members

Amy Hager, President

Troy Bock, Vice President

Glenna Greene, Recording Secretary

Nick Miller, Treasurer

Tanya Wright

Matt Crist

Kelsey Jeffries

Judy Carr

Chloe Wilcox-Pickle

Amy Meystrik

Shari Pretz

Gena McCluskey

Cristina Wright, Superintendent

Parisa Stoddard, Ex-Officio

Mailing Address:

PO Box 104
Moberly, MO 65270
United States
