S.H.I.N.E - New Teacher Induction Program
Moberly School District's SHINE Program is featured in an article for teachers.net Gazette, March 2014, authored by Harry and Rosemary Wong. The Moberly School District is very proud of our Teacher Induction Program as well as our SHINE Coordinator, Mrs. Tara Link.
S.H.I.N.E. Program (Supporting, Helping, Inspiring New Educators)
Established in the fall of 2008, the S.H.I.N.E program was created to provide a systematic support system primarily, but not limited to teachers with little or no prior teaching experience. Several key components include: opportunities for new teacher’s to observe experienced teachers, quarterly coaching sessions with the Induction Coordinator, an assigned mentor teacher in the same grade level or content area, ongoing classroom observations or support conversations and monthly professional development opportunities.
Businesses throughout the Moberly Community have offered their support of Moberly Public School District and the new teachers in the S.H.I.N.E program. They have welcomed the new teachers and recognized their roles in supporting and being a critical component in the education of our community’s youth.

Farmers Insurance-Keith Wiggs & Melissa Anderson
Little Dixie Regional Library
Moberly Motor Company
Lynn's Country Floral & Gifts Moberly Parks and Recreation